Location: New York, New York, United States

I am the sum of all my parts.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Days of our Delaney

Yes, that was my best friend, the wonderful Delaney. She called while the rest of her family was unbuttoning their pants and heading for recliners. Doing the seventh helping stretch. She wasn't sure which amused her more; my incident or my rambling speach pattern thanks to the painkillers I'm taking. I have my own opinions on which is more amusing, but I digress.

Back to the wonderful Delaney. How can a 36 year old, mother of three teenagers, still look every bit as amazing as she did in high school. I am in awe. Her hair is still a shining auburn curtain of silk. Her skin is still flawless alabaster. (Now as I am saying this, I must comment that to me freckles are enhancements not flaws) And completely , unfairly, her figure is the same. I thought women were supposed to change after child birth. (Yes, that is envy. I know I will be on a never ending diet rollercaster after childbirth, if I am like every other female in my family.) Best of all, her personality is still every bit as vibrant and warm.

Delaney's exhusband had called her to complain of their oldest. It seems his girlfriend had found a disturbing love letter in the trash. Why they were digging through the trash, I have no idea. Anyway, the letter rambles prosaicly about how horrible life is when apart from the object of your affection. No big deal. It is the ending line that is intriguing. "I've even shaved my legs for you, just like you wanted, Lover." I'm not sure what Delaney and I found the funniest. Hmm, was it the thought of some poor, sweet, besotted man abusing razor after razor for the sake of his one true love? Or could it possibly be the patheticness of a man trying to pass a letter, from one of his affairs, off on his daughter? I suppose the reason I am more apt to believe the second option is, Rand spent 30 minutes yelling at Delaney about this, in front of his girlfriend, but when Andie (their daughter) walked in he said nothing. That was two days ago. Andie is currently staying at Rand's house. If he is so concerned about her having some guy, with naked legs, in her bed, why not confront her with the letter?....

It is like the Tootsie Pop Slogan. The world may never know.

Things I am thankful for this season:

1. I am alive and, for the most part, extremely health.
2. Family, even if we are apart.
3. Friends, same.
4. I didn't have to eat turkey this year!!!!
5. My friends in Iraq are still alive and safe. Can't wait till you all are home, guys!
6. My career. Even if I'm not illustrating for Marvel Graphics, like I planned in high school.
7. My Nintendo Gamecube. (guilty vice)
8. The New Avengers (another guilty pleasure)
9. Bubblebaths.
10. The occasional wolf whistle. Thank God for construction workers the world wide.
11. No run pantyhose. (fellow women I know you understand)
12. Real people when you call a customer service number.
13. The little grocery store around the corner, that not only knows your name, but they can tell you if something you normally buy is out of stock, before you even look.
14. The Macy's Parade.
15. The ability to be creative.
16. I am not homeless.
17. I am not hungry.
18. I think I look better than that girl I used to be. My style is definately more defined.
19. Chocolate.
20. Knights in shining armor. I think badges count, don't you?

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!


Blogger Criminal Minds Fan said...

Great List. Pantyhose??

11:36 AM  
Blogger Faye_Hart said...

Sometimes you have to dress to impress. Inevitably, something will snag my stockings.

8:36 PM  
Blogger Faye_Hart said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

8:36 PM  
Blogger Criminal Minds Fan said...

Faye: Gotcha, pantyhose. I need to think of my list. Have a great weekend!

8:36 AM  
Blogger Faye_Hart said...

Thank you both for reading my blog.
: )

3:47 PM  

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